The term work life balance has been tossed around for years and let's face it, most of the time it's not a 50/50 when it comes to work and life. Most of the times we spend more hours doing one thing over the other, therefore the term work life harmony better suits a fierce women's busy lifestyles. So how do we maintain a harmonious life filled with health, wellness, and happiness while still spending 40+ hours working?
Here are a few tips to help you live a more harmonious life:
Mornings are my time to wake up, stretch, take my vitamins with 8oz of water, floss and brush my teeth, and do some form of physical activity. That physical component can be hitting the weights, going for a run, doing some yoga, or simply dancing about my room like nobody's watching. Either way it is 15-45 min of some physical activity, my time to myself before my crazy busy day begins. If afternoons are more your style then simply pack your gym bag the night before, place it in your car along with some snacks. Therefore you have no excuse on why you can’t hit the gym after work. You are not tempted to rush home grab a bite to eat and change your clothes. Most likely if you head directly home after work, you will be less motivated to go to the gym. Personally, I know that when I head home, I lounge around and before I know it it's dinner time and then 8pm and I tell myself, oh it's too late to go workout and just call it a day. Don’t let temptation ruin your workout session, go from work directly to the gym and make sure you eat your snack an hour before your workout.
Tips to staying healthy during your busy work week
Featured Blogger
Meet Stephanie Stephanie is a fitness and lifestyle blogger, bikini competitor, and a wife of a triathlete. Stephanie's passion is to help others achieve their fitness goals. She founded Fierce Women Lift as a way to motivate women to weight train. After years of weight training she discovered that lifting heavy weights creates lean, sexy muscles and a firm booty with tight abs that women desire. Stephanie also noticed that she developed a Fierce mindset and wanted to pass along her knowledge and enthusiasm to others.