I stand 5'0ft and I am a ball of energy. My personality as described is fierce and I am choosing to live my life fiercely. Each day is a blessing and a new adventure. Make sure you are living your life fiercely everyday; follow your dreams and be beautiful!
I am a college student as well as a fashion, beauty and love enthusiast. My blog is to express myself about things I love and to entertain and give insight to others! Things I post are from my personal experiences and opinions. I am new at blogging so I am experimenting with my page. Make sure to share, like and comment! Thanks in Advance! -Riss xoxo.
I am a college student as well as a fashion, beauty and love enthusiast. My blog is to express myself about things I love and to entertain and give insight to others! Things I post are from my personal experiences and opinions. I am new at blogging so I am experimenting with my page. Make sure to share, like and comment! Thanks in Advance! -Riss xoxo.